[Dancer-users] Global app-wide "prefix" settings

Assaf Gordon gordon at cshl.edu
Wed Sep 28 19:54:00 CEST 2011

Hi Sawyer,

sawyer x wrote, On 09/28/2011 01:38 PM:
> [...] Instead you should configure your server to meet your
> needs. I personally suggest using the "Alias" configuration option in
> Apache.
> I hope this clears it up for you. If you have any more questions on
> this, feel free to ask, and I hope I could help you with them. 

I'm definitely not a web-server administrator, so I'd appreciate any tips how how to do that without changing the application.

The simplest scenario:
Two dancers applications, running on the same machine, and the url is http://server.cshl.edu .
I can't add subdomain (e.g. http://app1.server.cshl.edu), and can't open ports other than 80.

So the way to access the applications will be:

This will go through apache with reverse-proxy rule back to dancer applications (each running on a different port, with starman).

What do I need to change in order for the static files to be served from "http://server.cshl.edu/app1/images" instead of "http://server.cshl.edu/images" (which is the way templates will be rendered using "request.uri_base" and "request.uri_for" ?

Thanks again,

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