[dancer-users] Dancer2::Logger::Log4perl released

Jason Crome cromedome at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 21:43:51 BST 2018

We’ve been missing a Log4perl plugin for Dancer2 for, well, forever, and today I have released Dancer2::Logger::Log4perl.

This was originally developed by Ryan Larscheidt and Jon Miner at the University of Wisconsin. I have added a minimal test, a little pod, and wrapped a release around it. The rest of this is their work, and I cannot thank them enough for their work on this.

There are more tests needed still, but I wanted to get this out in the wild as soon as I could.

If you notice any issues, please report them at https://github.com/cromedome/Dancer2-Logger-Log4perl/issues 

Thanks, and happy dancing!
— cromedome

Jason A. Crome / CromeDome
CPAN: https://metacpan.org/author/CROMEDOME
github: https://github.com/cromedome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cromedome

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