[dancer-users] Problems writing a Plugin

Alfonso Pinto alfonso.pinto at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 14:29:09 BST 2017

Dear all,

I'm trying to write a Dancer2::Plugin to maintain ZMQ socket and send some
information to a backend when a request is received.

This is the plugin :

> package Dancer2::Plugin::ZMQ;
> use Dancer2::Plugin;
> use ZMQ::FFI;
> use ZMQ::FFI::Constants qw(ZMQ_REQ);
> has host => (is => 'ro');
> has identity => (is => 'ro');
> has _context => (is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1);
> sub _build_context {
>     my $plugin = shift;
>     return ZMQ::FFI->new();
> }
> has client => (is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1, plugin_keyword => 'zmq');
> sub _build_client {
>     my $plugin = shift;
>     my $client = $plugin->_context->socket(ZMQ_REQ);
>     $client->set_identity = $plugin->config->{identity} . "-$$";
>     $client->connect($plugin->config->{host});
>     return $client;
> }
> 1;

 This is my config.yml:

>     ZMQ:
>         identity: "api-gw"
>         host: "tcp://proxy:6660"

And this is how I use it in one route:

post '/' => sub {

    my $message = body_parameters->get('message');

    zmq->send(message =>$message);

    my $reply = zmq->recv();

    return {"reply" => $reply};


The issue is that I get this error:

> Router exception: Can't call method "send" on an undefined

I don't understand why it's not keeping the client instantiated. What is
wrong withmy approach? What I don't want is to create a socket for each
request received.

And before someone asks, the backend is working and replying. A simple
script like this one works in my setup:

use v5.10;
> use ZMQ::FFI qw(ZMQ_REQ);

my $endpoint = "tcp://proxy:6660";
> my $ctx      = ZMQ::FFI->new();

my $s1 = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_REQ);
> $s1->connect($endpoint);

> print $s1->recv();

Thanks in advance.
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