[Dancer-users] Dancer 1.3050 is the last version to pass tests on Strawberry Perl 5.12.3 x64...

Curtis Jewell perl at curtisjewell.name
Wed Jun 1 00:18:43 CEST 2011

(sent from wrong address yesterday...)

Any ideas why yet? What help could I give you guys in finding out why?

Here's a sequence of reports from me (they may be too recent to see) -
it may or may not help:

1.3050 (PASS):
1.3051 (FAIL):
1.3059_02 (FAIL):

I eventually installed 1.3050 so I have something to test Dancer-using
modules against.

I run Perl (at least, the x64 version, so I can BUILD Strawberry there)
on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 on that machine (I have 3), if that helps.

Perl -V:uname = Win32 strawberryperl #1 Sun May 15 09:43:50
2011 x64 in all cases, so they're testing against the final build of

Think of this as an 'I want Dancer to work for those who want to use it
on Windows' request. (myself, I'm using Catalyst for my web site that's
in progress, but to each his own!)

--Curtis Jewell
Curtis Jewell
csjewell at cpan.org           http://csjewell.dreamwidth.org/
perl at csjewell.fastmail.us   http://csjewell.comyr.org/perl/

"Your random numbers are not that random" -- perl-5.10.1.tar.gz/util.c

Strawberry Perl for Windows betas: http://strawberryperl.com/beta/

Curtis Jewell
csjewell at cpan.org           http://csjewell.dreamwidth.org/
perl at csjewell.fastmail.us   http://csjewell.comyr.org/perl/

"Your random numbers are not that random" -- perl-5.10.1.tar.gz/util.c

Strawberry Perl for Windows betas: http://strawberryperl.com/beta/

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