[Dancer-users] testing ajax

Takeshi OKURA okura3 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 14:00:23 CEST 2011

Dancer::Request::new_for_request does not handle ajax request correctly.
Below test is failed.
use Test::More;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Plugin::Ajax;
ajax '/req' => sub {
    return "hello";

use Dancer::Test;
my $response = dancer_response GET => '/req',
 {headers => [ "x-requested-with" => "XMLHttpRequest", ] };
is $response->{content}, "hello",
 "response content looks good for AJAX GET /req";

$response = dancer_response POST => '/req',
 {headers => [ "x-requested-with" => "XMLHttpRequest", ] };
is $response->{content}, "hello",
 "response content looks good for AJAX GET /req";


This error is fixed by below patch.
But It do not seem to me proper fix.

--- Request.pm.orig	2011-07-17 20:38:30.392932771 +0900
+++ Request.pm	2011-07-17 20:38:15.845590732 +0900
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
     $req->{_query_params} = $req->{params};
     $req->{body}          = $body    if defined $body;
     $req->{headers}       = $headers if $headers;
+    $req->{ajax}          = $req->is_ajax;

     return $req;

Best regards.

Takeshi OKURA

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